I just love the medal:

I am hooked--to relays, that is! What a blast! We finished the 100 miles in 14 hours 50 minutes. Bob Becker hosts a fabuless event--Key West is AWESOME!
We drove down to Key Largo Friday night. The race started at 6 am Saturday. Here we are bright eyes and bushy tailed:

We all did 2 to 3 mile intervals. We were only allowed on support vehicle so we all crammed into a small minivan. By the end of the afternoon Biofreeze was the aroma.
Here is a pic of hubby and I at Mile Marker 21:

It was so exciting to see the mile markers go down. Almost to Mile Marker 0!

The hardest part of the run was refueling properly. With our runs being so frequent it was difficult to digest a meal. I was sick of gels by the end of the run. I did find that lunchables did the trick and that got me through the last couple of legs.

Can you guess where this is??? Going to Key West wouldn't be complete without a trip to Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville Cafe. Truthfully, i was so ready for bed, but i took one for the team. :)