Oct 13, 2013

Joseph's Fig Account

Deja Vu.  That's what my life feels like these days.  

Exactly one year ago this month we were sending Brenda's dossier to Africa.  We were wondering what life would be like going from a family of 5 to a family of 6.

And here we are again.  Wondering what life will be like adding an older child to our family.  Excited and scared to death all in one breath.  Going from a family of 6 to a family of 7.

Two adoption in one year.  

Wondering how we are going to do it. Simply holding on by a prayer.  One step in front of another trusting God with our future.  

It's so scary planning for the logistics of adoption. Traveling half way across the world to bring one child home while you leave the other kids back.  Do we bring them....do we leave them??  Who stays in country?  Do we do this in 2 trips??

How on earth are we going to afford travel?
All the unanswered questions swirling around our heads but yet God miraculously took care of it with Brenda and deep down amongst the chaos i know He will take care of it with Joseph.


Let me tell you about Project Hopeful.  This wonderful organization helps educate, encourages and enables families to advocate for and adopt children with HIV/AIDS and other of the most overlooked children for adoption. 

Project Hopeful has partnered with us and set up a fig fund to help bring Joseph home.

What is a Fig Fund

It is an Adoption Fund specifically for Joseph through Project Hopeful. All donations are 100% tax deductible, anonymous, and the money is not ours – which means it can only be used for Joseph's Adoption costs and all disbursements are done directly, not through or to us at all. This means great accountability and that it is ONLY for his adoption expenses. 

So if you're looking for an awesome tax deduction and want to partner with us to help bring Joseph home, click on the link below.

Joseph's Fig Fund

1 comment:

  1. Sheila, once we're finished with our adoption, I hope we have the funds to contribute to yours to help bring Joseph home. Sending up prayers of provision for you -- God is faithful to those who are about His business!
