Oct 29, 2013

How did we end up here???

Last year, Micah and I had decided to pursue an adoption of a younger, completely healthy, little boy, aged 0-2.

However, God had other plans.

Late one night, I was sitting at the computer looking at pictures of children on a waiting list and I saw this picture: 

I knew at that moment that this child belonged in our family.  Micah wasn't entirely convinced so we started praying and educating ourselves.  To be totally honest, the kids and I prayed and prayed for God to change Dad's heart.

After LOTS of prayer God did the unthinkable and we decided to accept the referral and we started the process of adopting Brenda.

I flew to Uganda in December to meet her and spent 4 short days with her.  She didn't speak English and I didn't speak Rutooro but God confirmed in my heart that we were in the center of His will.


In Feb, our entire family boarded a plane to Africa to meet her for the first time and bring her home.  

It was an amazing experience to show Brenda her entire new family in her own country. The kids bonded instantly as a result.

While we were in Africa, we met another little boy...Brenda's biological brother.  He's 10. 

And God spoke to our hearts and asked us how can we not keep them together?????

At that time we were only approved to adopt 1 child but God was stirring our hearts.  We came home and started praying.  We knew we would need to add on to our girl's room. 

Y'all we live in a 1500 sq foot house and without that addition there was no way we would be approved.  
We simply said yes to God.  And once again He showed up BIG TIME.  We simply walked through the doors God opened. 

So many people say adoption is expensive.  And it is REALLY REALLY REALLY expensive!!!

In one year's time we have completed Brenda's adoption, added a bedroom on to our home and started another adoption and we are only $7000 short from being fully funded.  That's a miracle.  I can't even explain it.

How can we afford this?  God!!! And it's pretty safe to say that retirement will not be on a golf course.

I stand in awe at how God works through His people.  The body of Christ is AMAZING! We often hear  negative stuff about "the church" but God certainly uses His people to accomplish the impossible.   We are living proof of it! 

In 7 short months our precious girl has grown and flourished.

So many of my friends have asked how they can help or what they can pray for. 

How can you help???

1.  Pray for us and with us.  God knows our needs and I have no doubt in my mind that He will meet them.

2.  Pray for our family as we go from a family of 6 to a family of 7.

3.  Pray for Brenda's brother.  This is HUGE for him.  He'll be 11 shortly.  Pray for our hearts and his heart to instantly connect.  

4.  Pray for the perfect timing for us to travel.

Thanks for walking with us through all of this. It has been more of a struggle than we ever thought, but it is totally worth it.  

You can be involved in a tangible way by directly supporting our family with both your prayers and your financial support.  

Project Hopeful is a non-profit organization, which allows our family to raise additional support and this allows you to financially contribute to our family as well as receive a tax deduction with your gift.  All donations are anonymous and can only be used to bring Brenda's brother home.

But we mostly need your prayers.  God will do the rest.  I love you all!!


  1. Can you email me? I want to do a post on your family with your permission- we adopted our girl in 2009 and learned on her adoption day she had 2 brothers. We had to fund raise to go back for them but God provided big time and in 2010 we returned and adopted her brothers (from China). My blog is http://wwwourchinagirl.blogspot.com

  2. Oops-- email is ronvic7@yahoo.com for previous comment.
