I still can not believe it's been one year that we have been sleeping under the same roof. One year that we stepped onto that plane boarding Uganda to become a family of 7.
What a year it's been!
I stand in awe of the young man that Joseph is growing into. Watching the bond that Joseph and Brenda have melts my heart. Hearing Brenda tease her big brother or him telling her stories about Uganda remind me of why we are on this journey.
As difficult as some days are, they are completely beautiful. Hard but glorious. Messy but redemptive.
What have i learned this year?
1. I have learned that I have absolutely no idea what i'm doing as a parent most days. What worked last month has already gone out the window this month. We are truly a work in progress.
2. My relationship with Micah is the single most important parenting tool i have. We are a united front most days. The kids find stability in that. Life may be crazy and chaotic, but they know Dad will always back up what Mom says. And vice versa. The kids know that disrespect will NOT be tolerated in our home.
3. Despite artificially twinning my oldest and middle daughter, we have had no issues. At all. I love to see the bond that my younger girls have. They are truly best friends.
4. Despite reading every adoption book out there, when an issue arises, i draw a blank.
5. This year has been very lonely. Simply, people do not get the journey we are on. It's hard to protect our family's privacy and share our challenges.
6. Brenda and Joseph's adoption journeys have been completely different.
Different ages + different genders = different issues.
Adopting a 7 year old was a piece of cake compared to a 12 year old. A 7 year old little girl wants to sit and snuggle. A 12 year old boy wants a fist bump.
7. I need to make an effort to praise my children more. So often, i get caught up in what my children are not doing right. I have learned genuine praise builds self esteem in all children. Praise is Important to raising a confident child. I am a work in progress.
8. I love my children more than anything. They bring me so much joy. I love to watch them play and hear them laugh. I love to watch their personalities unfold. I love to see them grow and flourish. They truly are my greatest blessings from Jesus.
9. My heart breaks for my children because i can't fix what breaks their hearts. I can't fill the void in their life. I will never replace their mother, nor do i want to. I can simply pray for their hearts and for Jesus to fill in the gaps that i fail them.
10. Prayer. It is so important. It's the glue that holds this family together.
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