Jul 31, 2013

It's a crazy hard but close to God road

It's official!  We have started the process to bring home Brenda's brother.  Crazy!!!  As the ups and downs of adoptions go, we must recreate our homestudy.  

From scratch!!  

It is what it is....not much has really happened in the past few months as Brenda just came home. Anyways....

So the first huge chunk of change went out in the mail yesterday and wouldn't you know it God already provided for it.  

Let the good times roll!!!

Jul 26, 2013

And we are expanding...

We are currently in the middle of a bedroom addition so we can have all 3 girls in one room and little man will have his own room..........FOR NOW.

We have decided that we will add to our crew.  God willing.  Another boy.  :) :) :)