This year I'm homeschooling. Do i love it? I honestly can't say that i do. Is it homeschooling that's the issue? Not really.
So what's my issue? FINDING MY TRIBE! Micah and I have lived here in Florida since 2004. I love Florida. It's my home. I grew up around here, but my tribe isn't here, or at least i haven't found them yet. Finding my tribe has been a life long pursuit. There was a moment in my life that i had a tribe; when we live in NC. My heart is still there. I see glimpses of them on the internet from time to time. I only wish they all lived in my neighborhood!
Here in Florida, I have a hodge-podge of a tribe. I'm truly thankful for these friends as they get me, but we are all in different seasons in our lives. I am blessed to have them though. So blessed!
I woke up this morning realizing I'm lonely, but not alone. Does that even make sense??? I stumbled into bible study after talking myself out of it all morning, but immediately realized i was right where i was meant to be. I think God allows seasons of loneliness. At various times He allows us to have numerous friends and then at times He only provides a few, and at just the right time.
God gives us friends. He has given me friends that would risk their life to save mine. Or the friend that will pull us out of the pit. One that is more like a sister. And then there are the friends with a servant's heart, or the constant blessing.
We may be lonely, but God doesn't leave us alone. If we have one loyal friend we are rich.
When God sends us a friend we need to be humble and willing to receive the help that he or she has to offer in the way that God intends. This can be difficult especially if you are like me and find it hard to accept help.
We feel like we don't deserve it. Our pride gets in the way. We are so intent on being strong and independent that we won't expose our needs. Yep, totally me!
We refuse to open our hearts because of a deep fear that we will end up getting hurt.
Oh my word...sound familiar?
We insist on being a rock.
But if we insist on being self-sufficient, we will miss great blessings. I don't want to miss God's blessings. I don't want to get caught up in the busyness of life that i miss God--even though I'm doing things for God. And this my friends is why i feel God is allowing this season of loneliness.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings on what God has revealed to my heart today.
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