Jun 23, 2012

Our First Fundraiser

Initially, Micah and I were on the fence about fundraising. Should we or shouldn't we??? That was the million dollar question.
It's hard to admit to the entire world that you have a need. A $28,000 need. I am a giver. I can easily give money. God constantly stirs my heart for people with hurts, habits, or hang ups. Honest. To. Goodness--I want to save the world. However, i can not ask for money or easily share my needs. I know as believers we are called to share our burdens. It just doesn't come easily to me.
So i came up with an idea. Let's do a babysitting fundraiser. A VBS style fundraiser. Bring your kids on over for a fun filled evening of swimming, crafts, games, popcorn, & pizza. Cost: Donation to our adoption fund.
It's not exactly asking straight out for a donation, but it's admitting that we have a need. A small compromise.

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